Charles Nicholson was the most famous English player of the early 19th century. He introduced large holed flutes and caused Boehm to invent the modern flute. We learn from him how to get the best tone from the conical wooden flute.
A lovely Scottish slow air written by Catherine Brown in 2012 in memory of her Grandfather. You can hear Catherine Brown play her piano version here
Practice Makes Perfect We all know the old adage. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice! Well, the same answer applies here. If you want to master the tin whistle and elevate your playing to the same level as Mary Bergin, then you need to practice. We all love to marvel at the skill of great musicians, often remarking on their ?natural talent?. The truth is however that talented musicians have worked hard to reach this level of playing. If you put in the work, you too will see the benefits. Establis
Transatlantic Sessions is back live in the UK in 2022! The back-porch session to beat all others begins on the Celtic Connections stage once again, reaching hands across the water between Scotland, Ireland and the USA with the customary lavish all-star cast of singers, songwriters and instrumentalists. At once a masterful interpreter of traditional material and a superb original songsmith, Irish legend Paul Brady makes a welcome return to the fold, having first appeared in one of the show?s early TV version
Jak zbudować studio muzyczne w domu? O tym zagadnieniu zostało już powiedziane i napisane bardzo wiele. Z racji jednak, że pytania wciąż się pojawiają, a temat jest ewolucyjny, postanowiliśmy dodać kilka słów od siebie?Tak zwany ?Homerecording? jest sformułowaniem, o którym zapewne wielu z Was już słyszało i czytało wielokrotnie. Jednak postęp technologiczny sprawie, że do tematu warto wracać i obserwować jakie nowe możliwości pojawiają się na horyzoncie. To co jest pewne, to fakt, że dostęp do wszelakich
Anyone know of some Scottish tunes that go well on the whistle or flute? Needing to put a few sets together with a pall so would appreciate some help! Cheers folk
We were especially pleased with the reports about the wonderful sessions that were happening (often in 2 or 3 pubs simultaneously!) throughout most of the weekend. Tunes, songs and even stories were shared and the festival musicians and visitors and locals all got involved ?there was even a song or tune happening a couple of times on the stairs at The Royal and in the Big Knit lounge. This brings me to mention with great pride that as well as a really good quantity of food collected in our Amber Harvest bas
Many feel that music sessions are the ?life-blood? of a good music festival and we?ve always found that music and song can erupt anywhere during Perthshire Amber?whether it be on one of the shuttle bus trips, out on a walk, in a pub somewhere or at Amber Central. We are fortunate in Dunkeld and Birnam to have a fine array of welcoming pubs! Each day a different one will play ?host? to the great music and craic as part of our ?Amber Acoustic Sessions?.
Na sesjach, na których się śpiewa także warto oczywiście znać “repertuar”. Co prawda na szkockich sesjach improwizacja w tle ballad jest OK, ale trzeba znać i te ballady i zasady etyki :), inne niż tradycyjne szkockie też są 🙂
Traditional Song and Tunes Session, Canons’ Gait, 14 July 2019
Singer; Song (Writer)
Bob Murray; Fiddler’s Green (John Conolly)
Fiona Harrison; Time Wears Awa (Trad.)
Nick Kelly; Jacky (Jacques Brel and Gérard Jouannest)
Duncan Sutherland; Winter Sun (Gill Bowman/Ivan Drever)
Russ Clare; Ratcliffe Highway (Trad.) [unusually, all of us were playing accompanying instruments – often we’re about half ?a capella?]
Bob Murray; Thomas Muir of Huntershill (Adam McNaughtan) [this because there had been suggestions in advance that we might somehow mark Bastille Day – this is loosely linked !]
Fiona Harrison; Van Diemen’s Land (U2)
Nick Kelly; Rocky Road to Dublin [an impressive rendering of a difficult song !]
Duncan Sutherland; Whaur dae ye Lie (Karine Polwart)
Russ Clare; Tomorrow is a Long Time (Bob Dylan)
Bob Murray; Scots, Wha Hae [second nod to Bastille Day, even more tenuous]
Fiona Harrison; Barrack Street (Trad.)
Nick Kelly; It Was a Very Good Year (Ervin Drake)
Duncan Sutherland; Dear Green Place (Alan Reid)
Russ Clare; Jim Jones (Trad.) [Russ by this point is certainly helping to maintain the ?traditional? element]
Bob Murray; Let the Mystery Be (Iris De Ment)
Fiona Harrison; Waking Hour (David Francey)
Duncan Sutherland; Bright Blue Rose (Jimmy McCarthy)
Russ Clare; Green Man (Maria Cunningham)
Bob Murray; WE All Said Stop The War (Robb Johnson)
Fiona Harrison; Westlin Winds (Robert Burns)
Duncan Sutherland; Green and the Blue (Alan Reid)
Russ Clare; Do Something Different (Russ Clare) [Russ explained that he’d written this on the train to Edinburgh on his way to the session. A Climate Emergency song, it was by far the shortest song of the day.]
Bob Murray; No Regrets (Tom Rush)
Fiona Harrison; Four Strong Winds (Ian Tyson)
Duncan Sutherland; Song for Mira (Al McGilvaray)
Russ Clare; Adieu, Adieu (Trad.)
Bob Murray; Parcel of Rogues (Robert Burns) [It was now down to the inner hard core….]
Fiona Harrison; Loch Tay Boat Song (Trad. ?)
Bob Murray; Freedom Come All Ye (Hamish Henderson)
Fiona Harrison; The Poorest Company (John McCusker)
Bob Murray; Virginia (Trad.) [and it then descended into some kind of unrecorded song-based anarchy for the last few minutes]