Nie tylko moim problemem jest rozpoznawanie tonacji z zapisu nutowego, dla mnie jest to kluczowe pytanie: jaki flet (diatoniczny) wziąć do ręki
How to Read Key Signatures Key signatures are important when reading music. You must understand how to read key signatures in order to know how to play the notes the way the composer intended. The key signature is a grouping of symbols sharps [#] and flats [b] that tell you to always play certain notes one semitone half-step higher or lower. The key signature is typically placed after the clef at the beginning of the music or after a double bar. (How to Read Key Signatures – For Dummies).
How to Read the Key Signature to Determine What Key to Play
Knowing how to read the key signature to determine what key to play is critical to reading music, but it isn’t difficult. Count the number of sharps or flats in the key signature, and then you can use the circle of fifths (or the following table) to determine which major key to play in.
If the Key Signature Has The Music Is in the Key of 1 sharp G 1 flat F 2 sharps D 2 flats B flat 3 sharps A 3 flats E flat 4 sharps E 4 flats A flat 5 flats, 7 sharps C sharp/D flat 6 flats, 6 sharps F sharp/G flat 7 flats, 5 sharps B/C flat
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C | a | C / F | d / g | d | g |
D | h | D / G | e / a | e | a |
E | cis | E / A | f / h | f | h |
F | d | F / H | g / c | g | c |
G | e | G / C | a / d | a | d |
A | fis | A/D | B / Es | B | Es |
B | g | B / Es | h / e | h | e |
H | gis | H / E | c / f | c | f |